Although every small business owner wants to increase his visibility online but there is no easy way to do it. No matter how good and updated your website is but if you are not applying search engine optimization (SEO) techniques Bill Lentis Media, it will not appear on the first page of search results.
Through SEO techniques you can increase the visibility of your website. As a result whenever people put certain keywords in the search engine, your website will appear on the first page. This will draw more traffic and will result in increased sales and profits.
If you hire a SEO professional or any SEO specialized company, it may cost you a fortune. However, there are few free SEO tools that you can use to save your money and get the desired output.
1. Google Trends
Following Google trends is the most effective way to select keywords for your website. For instance, if you are in a business of selling boots and you intend to increase your sales during wintertime. Research that whenever people need boots do they use the word snow boots or winter boots. You can compare these two keywords through Google trends. If the phrase snow boots is being used often in search query as compared to winter boots then you can include the keyword snow boots in your website. That is how it will draw consumers to your website whenever they search for snow boots.
Similarly you can see seasonal, geographical and demographic trends using Google trends and update your website accordingly.
There is a tool named “BROWSEO” that shows that how your website appears in a search engine. You won’t see any fancy fonts, images or similar stuff while using this tool. It will show you relevant SEO information and hence provides you opportunity to improve your website.
This tool is free of cost and doesn’t require any downloads. You just need to enter your URL in the site and you are good to go.
3. Screaming Frog
There is another important SEO tool that allows you to see SEO problems that your website is facing. It is free for first 500 websites. This tool looks for all the SEO hindrances and gives report of all the problems.
4. GTmetrix
If your website takes too much time in loading, it will force users to abandon it and move on to next one. To keep the flow of traffic smooth, you need to have a good loading speed.
There is a free tool “GTmetrix” that allows you to get your page speed score. All you have to do is enter your URL in this tool and it will not only reveal your score but will also help you to improve your speed. One of the ways to improve speed is to resize images so they take less time to load.
5. Rank Checker
With the help of this tool, you can see where you stand among your competitors. Self-realization is the first step when it comes to improvement. This tool will tell you about your rank as well as ways to improve it.
6. Responsive Design Test
In this day and age of technology, people are using multiple devices to access one particular website. Therefore it is very important for your website to look good on every medium whether mobile, tablet or computer. Search engines prefer those websites that look good on all kinds of devices.
To check the adaptability of your website on different devices, take responsive design test. If it tells you that your website is not responsive to different devices then you need to update it to improve your ranking.