Still, people need convincing evidence that direct mail indeed works. Are the stats released by the USPS proof enough for printing and mailing services to continue recommending the USPS service? You be the judge. Below are pertinent figures.

More than 50% of all mail sent was direct mail

The figure is taken from a 2011 report by the USPS, providing the strong basis that businesses do not put aside mail marketing as part of their programs.

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Advertising through the mail is one of the oldest known methods in offline marketing. It closes the communication gap between you, the entrepreneur, and the target clients.

Its better than email marketing because your promotional materials dont end up in the spam folder, the potential client sifts through the contents of his mailbox, and sees your material.

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While looking for getting the Great expertise and several other qualities make a spinner get you good results for your investments, thereby boosting your business growth and exposure. Here are 6 elements to seek when looking out for the best sign spinners for hire.

Expertise and Sense of Responsibility

A spinner can't pull off a good marketing campaign if they are themselves not deeply informed about their job responsibilities as well as what the advertisement is all about.

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Any special offers or promotions that you introduce to your products or services often come for a limited duration, and that's where the best arrow sign spinners can prove to be a huge boon for an effective marketing of those offers. Imagine a spinner holding an arrow sign outside a nice corporate building during the lunch hours, showcasing an advertisement for your snack outlet that talks about an amazing limited deal on afternoon meals.

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