Do you speak any Languages other than English, Let’s see in high school, I Took several years of Spanish, I went to Tunisia and Did a summer of Arabic, I have come close to speaking Thai a few times over the years. ‘Cause, my daughter’s half Thai And I speak fluent Chinese.

I lived there for 15 years. And I’m a translator, [ Man ] And do you Know what you’re doing I will be listening to Somebody speak a language that I don’t know and I’m going to Guess what they’re speaking ( walking )? So do you start or do I start? ( speaks in foreign language )! Oh ( speaks in foreign language, ) Aw. This is difficult. Can you count to five? ( speaks in foreign language ) Damn this is brutal.

( speaks in foreign language, ). Okay, hey wait! A minute! What did you just say? ( speaks in foreign language, ) Mongolian, Yes, [ Man, ], Okay, take the blindfold off All right; Hi Hi nice to meet you, I don’t know if you Look Mongolian or not, I know everyone Thinks I look Korean, so When did you leave Mongolia About 10 years ago? Okay, cool I’ve been to Mongolia. Oh, you have Yeah, but I didn’t learn.

Any Mongolian at all, But then you cannot see it, You didn’t guess it. I heard Genghis Khan, That’s like the only Thing, everyone knows Well, you shouldn’t have said it. Then ( speaks in foreign language, ), Alberta, ( speaking in foreign language, ) Almost got me. ( speaks in foreign language ) That sounds cool ( speaks in foreign language, ), Japanese, Arabic, Farsi, but I don’t know what You are talking about so that doesn’t help me very much.

There is something about the location of the pronunciation in the mouth that reminds me a little Bit of Hindi pronunciation, [ Man ]. What do they look like? Well he’s fairly tall? I can hear where his voice is coming from. I would say: — ( speaks in foreign language, ), Medium brown, skin [ Man, ], Okay, yeah. You can Take off your blindfold ( laughs, )! Oh there now I see ( laughing ). What were you speaking? Oh, you were very close: It’s Urdu, Oh damn it! So how close are Hindi and Urdu then Well.

Hindi and Urdu are Both dialects of Hindustani And the similarities between Hindi and Urdu is like 95 %. Ah So it’s like a lot of my friends are Indian and they speak Hindi. So we Can communicate that way And just make find of all the ( speaks foreign language ). Okay, ( speaks foreign language ), Who are probably idiot foreigners; No they’re white people, ( gasps ) Good to meet you Good to meet you ( speaks in foreign language, ) ( speaks in foreign language, ) Keep going, ( speaks in foreign language, ) They’re, giving me all the Hard ones Can you say: hello: ( speaks in foreign language ), I’m zeroing in.

Are you let’s see, I’m guessing This is an African language with some influence from France. ( speaks in foreign language, ), Okay, there we go. I think, I’m getting this. I’Ve got as close as I’m going to get. What do you think? I look like. I think you look like Sub-Saharan African, Why Why? Because the theory that I’M working on right now is that you are from an African country that was colonized by France, And so there is a small Chance you look like a white French person, but I guess I sort of doubt it ( speaks in foreign language, ) Insulting.

I got that Well there we are It’s not insulting. How close was I I’m from Congo and we Were colonized by Belgium Would have thought Congo, I almost said Congo, What is the name of the language Lingala Lingala? Yeah And then we mix it with a Little bit of french too, Can you teach me a curse? Word Yeah. The only one that I know is ( speaks in foreign language, ) Sounds zesty. What does that mean? You idiot (, laughs ).

Somebody does sound Stupid you’re, like psst (, speaks in foreign language, ) Yeah, okay, No, that is you idiot, like your father. ( speaks in foreign language ). Does that sound right? That sounds pretty good. Oh ( laughs ), That’s not what we’re guessing ( clears throat. ) ( speaks in foreign language. ) Pretend we’re dating ( speaks in foreign language, ) Did you say: you’re, not gay ( laughing ) Sorry ( speaks in foreign language, ) Cambodia, Yeah Only’cause, he said Siem Reap.

Did I get it right? Did I Yeah you got it right. ( speaks in a foreign language, ) Yeah. If you hadn’t, said any place names. I don’t think I would have gotten it. ( speaks in foreign language. ) Was that it ( speaks in foreign language, ) Hebrew. How did you get that? I don’t know is that Your first language – It’s not I actually, I love languages. So obviously you can write Hebrew, Write and read and speak.

Does it go left to Right or right to left, It goes right to left Cool. It’S fun to speak too With all the guttural Yep And like the ( speaks In foreign language ), It sounds pretty emphatic Like that sounds pretty What was that? It’S really not great It’S you’re a piece of trash. Oh good, can I learn that ( speaks in foreign language, ), Okay, It was nice to meet you Nice to meet you [ Man, ], Just start and yell out Just yell something insulting at him.

Okay, you ready ( speaks in foreign language ). Then what ( speaks in foreign language )? All right, we got a ( speaks In foreign language ) so far, ( speaks in foreign language ). It’S a Slovenian ( speaks In foreign language, ), Russian ( speaks in foreign language ), Oh (, laughing ). I don’t know Russia’s a big (, laughs ). This is just a set-up for insulting me, ( laughing ). Who did you think you would see? I expected Boris.

You know like a big sort of the other stereotype, the big beer belly Russian angry white guy: Well, I got ta drink, more beer and hangout in the sun. More maybe (, laughs, ) Or maybe the cold Yeah you’re not going to get That close to that stereotype – And you speak Russian because You grew up there or –, No I’ve been to Russia, but I have a degree in Russian language And what were you yelling? At me, in the beginning, Hello, you dirty bitch.

Ah I thought it was Something like that: ( speaks in foreign language ), It’s Dutch, maybe [ Man ]. What does a Dutch person look like Dutch person, they are Blond and have pigtails and like big skirts and they milk cows, Hello, Oh ( laughs ). They set me up. You know every time Is it Dutch It is Dutch Okay, Nobody learns Dutch as a Second, language for fun, so you must have been Born in The Netherlands, So I’m from the Caribbean, We lived in Saint Martin, it’s an island partially Owned Dutch and French My brother got diabetes.

He went into coma twice so they sent him to The Netherlands for better care and we moved along and we stayed there Whoa Were they accepting the Dutch. They were. Actually. Oh, that’s nice. Well! Thank you very much. Thank you. It was good to meet you Likewise, ( speaks in foreign language, ), Wow Man. These are some weird sounds. I’M going to go randomly In a different direction, and guess that this is a Native American language of some type ( speaks in foreign language ).

How do you say? No in your language, ( speaks in foreign language ), Oh well, then. Maybe that was a yes ( speaks in foreign language, ) Hah Hi Hi Eric Chris, Obviously, there’s Something more specific, So I speak Makah or ( speaks in foreign language ) from the Makah Indian Reservation out of Neah Bay, Washington Yeah. I know I’ve been There several times Cool yeah. Would you Like to learn something Yeah sure Something with a difficult sound ( speaks in foreign language.

) Means like hello, like is that you, Oh Like hello, is that you? Oh it’s, you sort of thing: ( speaks in foreign language ) And it has to ( exhales ) ( blows through teeth, ) ( speaks in foreign language, ) Yeah. It’S a tough One takes a long time Awesome, good job man Thanks [ Man ]. How was that Well, it was humbling, I think, there’s nothing quite as alarming as somebody just launching into something.

That means nothing to you, [ Man ]. Who did he guess right? I got you not close enough: huh ( laughing ), [ Man ]. This prompt you to go out and learn anything more about languages, No, probably not ( laughing ). It just reminded me how long It takes to learn a language and what a huge pain in the ass it is. [ Man ] All right, good job. That’S it ( applauding ) [ Eric ]. Thank you guys.

ITU – International Translation Services.
13550 SW 88th St Suite 270A, Miami, FL 33186
Hours: Open 24 hours
Phone: (305) 747-5996

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